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Student in de Zon

Student in de Zon
Team info
Geesje Creijghton
Berend Krans
Sieb Rodenburg
Glenn Bommelé
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Student in de Zon


Student in de Zon ensures that students can easily and quickly realize solar panels on their student house together with their previous residents or family.

The challenge

Students often want to make their houses more sustainable, because they care for the environment, but also to save energy and money. Unfortunately, students often do not have the resources to do this, they do not own the house and only live there for a few years. So where do students get the money from? And how do they arrange it with their landlord? Student in de Zon answers these questions and helps students to start making a tangible impact.

The solution

Student in de Zon connects students, previous residents, and the landlord to realize solar panels on student houses. We provide a sustainable, long-lasting, and economical solution. Through the Student in de Zon savings page previous residents and families can lend money to finance the solar panels. Besides, we arrange the legal necessities, to create certainty for all parties. The most important thing we do is that we unburden all parties to make this a fun project.

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